Mabe Parish
Atlantic View, Mabe Coming Soon
6 properties to rent
6 x 2 bedroom 4 person houses
Local connection to the parish of Mabe will apply.
These will be advertised on Cornwall Homechoice in December.
You will need to be registered with Cornwall Homechoice to apply for these properties.
If you are not already registered, you can apply online at www.cornwallhomechoice.org.uk or telephone 0300 1234 161
Any queries, please contact us on: [email protected]
Contact Information
Andrew Bishop MBE, Clerk to Mabe Parish Council
- 07756 650 604
Find Mabe Parish
Mabe Burnthouse, Penryn, Cornwall
Additional Information
The parish council has a contact address for postal correspondence only. Should members of the public need to meet with the Clerk or a parish councillor, contact the relevant person directly to make arrangements to meet at a location in the parish.