20mph consultation
Mabe 20mph Speed Limit and Traffic Calming - consultation 23 September - 15 October 2021
Mabe parish council has raised the issues of speed and volume of traffic through the village, especially in view of the vehicles using the village as a short cut, or 'rat run'.
Cornwall Council has responded to this by asking Cormac Solutions Ltd to draw up proposals to help regulate traffic speeds and to include traffic calming features which aim to make the village roads safer for pedestrians and less appealing to motorists seeking an easy short-cut.
See below the consultation documents. Cormac's consultation opens on 23 September 2021 and closes on 15 October 2021. Set out on page 2 of the letter from Cormac are three ways that people can respond to the consultation:
1. Cornwall Council's Consultation Finder, to respond online go to www.cornwall.gov.uk/TrafficConsult - or click on this link: https://www.engagespace.co.uk/cornwall/consultation_Dtl.aspx?consult_Id=1998&status=2
2. email the Engineering Design Group on [email protected] quoting the scheme name and scheme reference, indicating your support or objection to the proposals
3. in writing using the Consultation Response Form in the letter.
The proposals include:
- provision of two buildouts, one on Antron Hill and one on Church Road
- a series of speed cushions throughout the village, designed to support the introduction of a reduced speed limit
- reduced speed limit of 20mph to be applied to all roads leading into the centre of the village
- the 30mph speed limit at the western end of Antron Hill will be extended, to support the 20mph zone
- a section of 'no waiting at any time' restrictions are being proposed at the Antron Way / Church Road junction to help improve the traffic flow in this area which often suffers from congestion as traffic backs up and blocks the junction area.