Public meeting - traffic consultation
Mabe Parish
The parish council welcome the consultation on potential highways improvements, aiming to help reduce the speed and volume of traffic through the village of Mabe.
A public meeting will be held on Friday 8 October 2021, to give local residents the chance to give their views to local parish councillors - all are welcome to the meeting which starts at 7.00pm.
Cornwall Council's consultation is live and residents and motorists have until 15 October 2021 to get their views in to the consultation - directly to Cornwall Council. It is recommended to send comments to the online Consultation Tracker at this link:
Covid safety - all attending the meeting are asked to wear a face covering and to be considerate of others. Note that windows and doors will be open for good ventilation. Those attending are encouraged to take a lateral flow test before coming along, and anyone with covid-19 symptoms, or who have a positive PCR test or who have been told to isolate must not attend.
Contact Information
Andrew Bishop MBE, Clerk to Mabe Parish Council
- 07756 650 604
Find Mabe Parish
Mabe Burnthouse, Penryn, Cornwall
Additional Information
The parish council has a contact address for postal correspondence only. Should members of the public need to meet with the Clerk or a parish councillor, contact the relevant person directly to make arrangements to meet at a location in the parish.