We want your views! - plans for amenity land in Mabe
Mabe Parish
The parish council will be hosting a consultation event on Thursday 28 September 2023 (7pm - 9pm) and repeated on Saturday 30 September 2023 (noon - 4pm), both at the Mabe WI and Village Hall, opposite the shop and post office on Antron Hill.
For more details, click on this link: http://www.mabeparish.com/shared/attachments.asp?f=5831bd9f%2Dd2f7%2D4a67%2D8b83%2Dc5d7561fe09f%2Epdf&o=Open%2DSpace%2D%2D%2Dpublic%2Dconsultation%2Dposter%2D180923%2Epdf
Contact Information
Andrew Bishop MBE, Clerk to Mabe Parish Council
- 07756 650 604
Find Mabe Parish
Mabe Burnthouse, Penryn, Cornwall
Additional Information
The parish council has a contact address for postal correspondence only. Should members of the public need to meet with the Clerk or a parish councillor, contact the relevant person directly to make arrangements to meet at a location in the parish.