Our Commitment
As a Parish we are committed to addressing climate change and our effects on the environment.
In spring 2019 we voted to declare a Climate Emergency and to create a parish action plan by autumn. As this work cannot be undertaken by an individual we have increased the scope of this to further include as many parish groups and individuals as possible. Before the Covid-19 pandemic we established the Mabe Climate Action Group, which had regular meetings to share ideas and develop projects in our bid to reach the goal of net zero emissions across the parish.
We attend the Community Network Panel Environment Group, to share ideas and initiatives with neighbouring parish and town councils, and are also contributing to the Mabe Neighbourhood Development Plan. We want to see sustainability at the heart of all planning decisions in the parish.
The climate crisis has not stopped during the pandemic, but it has been hard to achieve all we set out to do in 2019. We look forward to getting back on track as soon as restrictions are lifted.