Finance - Mabe Parish Council
Local authorities are to publish local spending data. The Public Sector Transparency Board has been set up to drive an open data agenda. From January 2011 local government spending over £100 must now be published by local authorities- for details please check the minutes where a monthly payment list is included.
Finances for 2019-20
Details of our intended budget, and regular spending updates for the year can be found here. Monthly spending by the parish council is ALWAYS included as part of the minutes
Q1 spending review (Apr to Jun 2019)
Q1 reserves & Bank reconciliation
Draft Audit information for 2018-19 is now available.
Because of the spend on the MYCP Play Equipment & Memorial Gardens, Mabe Parish is required to complete the full External Audit process this year.
If any member wishes to review the parish accounts and make comment to the External Auditor (PFK Littlejohn) details are provided on the 1st form below:
Expenditure over £100- 2018-19
Our end of year budget statement can be found here and our planned reserves here
Audit information for 2017/18 now available.
Due to a change in audit requirements Mabe Parish has exempted itself from a full audit with the External Auditor (PFK Littlejohn) as per government guidelines.
Click here to view the:
Q4 budget review (end of year)
Final audit information for 2016/17 is now available to the public.
Mabe Parish has our accounts verified annually by an External Auditor (Grant Thornton llp) as per government guidelines.
Click here to view the:
Conclusion of Audit Notice
Completed Annual Return 2016/17