Planning responses sent to planning auth
From 9 April 2020, until further notice, planning application consultation responses to Cornwall Council will be decided in accordance with the emergency scheme of delegation. Parish Council meetings will not be held.
Planning consultation responses, decided under the scheme of delegation, will be listed on this page.
Each planning submission will be preceded by the wording:
Due to the restrictions placed on the council as a result of the pandemic coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of members of Mabe Parish Council identified through a consultation process, but does not constitute a formal consultee response because the outcome was not reached at a formal meeting of the council where Councillors can legally vote.
And followed by the wording:
As this response represents the opinion of members of the council but is considered a legal consultee response, a '5-day protocol email should not be sent to this council as it cannot yet legally respond. However, the parish council requests that should a Planning Officer decide the application in opposition to the majority response given by the (collated opinions of) the parish council, could they advice the Local Member by email, copying in the parish council.
18 June 2021 - planning consultation response under Emergency Scheme of Delegation
Application reference | Application details | parish council consultation response |
29 May 2020 planning responses
application ref. | Application details | parish council response |
PA20/01914 |
Trenoweth Bungalow, Trenoweth, Mabe Burnthouse TR10 9JH – Erection of a domestic garage to accommodate two vintage tractors and one vintage car |
No objection. The nature of material suggests an agricultural building, consistent with the surrounding area. Request screen planting to soften appearnace. Some concerns over the method of disposing of rainwater. This should be linked directly into the drain, rather than via the hard surface at stated in the Planning Statement. Suggest to consider a condition that it is only to be used for teh enjoyment of the residents and not for any commercial enterprise. |
PA20/03459 |
Land at Antron Bungalows, Church Road, Mabe Burnthouse TR10 9HW – Reserved matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline consent PA19/07232 dated 15.11.19 for construction of up to two dwellings |
Application supported. Some concern at plot 2 (balcony may overlook neighbouring properties), and request that the mature trees are protected. |
PA20/03701 |
26 Carnsew Close, Mabe Burnthouse TR10 9HE – Proposed dormer extension to rear elevation, new small conservatory to rear, and new porch to front elevation |
Concern at potential loss of privacy to neighbouring properties |
PA20/03686 |
Rudhall, Church Road, Mabe Burnthouse TR10 9HN – Proposal for a single storey 3-bedroom extension, a new dining room extension and internal alterations. Removal of redundant chimneys, the replacement of the main roof with natural slate. Also re-building of sun room. Re-facing of property and garage. |
Application supported, though some reservations at the exterior with some parish councillors taking the view that the proposed external finishes are not in keeping with other properties in the vicinity. |
PA20/03718 |
Land/Building at Antron Farm, Antron Lane, Mabe Burnthouse TR10 9JD – Provision of a single dwelling (to include the demolition of an existing building) |
Application supported. However, some concerns raised by parish councillors at the size and design of the proposed development, and the proposed use of agricultural land as part of the plot. |
9 April 2020 - planning consultation response under delegated scheme
Application ref. | Application details | Parish council response |
Land East of Solheim, Antron Hill, Mabe TR10 9HH – Proposed new dwelling with off-road parking and garden amenity area |
The parish council recognises that the application is likely to be approved as it is in line with current policies. There are concerns that this could be considered over-development, risk loss of privacy to neighbouring properties, and concern at the environmental impact of the loss of green space. On balance, the application is supported provided that: The County Forester must support any works to the trees and ensure that suitable protection is afforded them during construction work. Highways must agree any access requirements to/from the highway, such as visibility splays. The driveway indicated on the plan must be constructed from permeable materials to avoid run-off, which must not be allowed to drain onto the highway, which currently floods in heavy rain. The applicant must ensure there is no loss of privacy to the adjoining properties. Consider using obscure glass for the two east-facing windows on the ground floor. |
Penty Noweth Farm, Trenoweth Lane, Mabe Burnthouse TR10 9JB – Construction of equine hospital |
Application supported, subject to two concerns being addressed: